The global issue of a warming climate puts all countries and all cultures on an equal playing field, as climate change does not recognize borders. As a planet that is growing exponentially in population. One where we collectively share the resources that fuel our growth, we recognize more every year and every month, how we are inextricably connected to the responsibility of reducing our carbon energy footprint.

This week I was invited to join a group of skiers, climbers, polar explorers, and Olympic medalists, to present the important personal stories and concerns we share. And how the warming weather is impacting our businesses and personal pursuits. The bottom line is that climate change is having a significant impact on our sports and outdoor industry recreation; less snow when we need it, and Hoot Owl laws with warming rivers that are making it unlawful to fish after 2:00 in the afternoon.
As we descended on Capital Hill to meet with Republican senators, to present testimony to the Bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus, we recognized that we were speaking on behalf of all species- including the $887 billion dollar outdoor industry with 7 million jobs, and a world that needs a strong voice to help us move to a cleaner energy society. While some of the doors were opened to us by skeptics and deniers, we are felt a shift in the acceptance of climate change as an issue - one that must be collaboratively embraced by all. With Harvey, Irma, and 138 wildfires burning in the west, it was not hard for anyone to acknowledge that we have to find a way to put politics aside and extend our hands and minds, as one tribe, one planet.

photos by: Forest Woodward